
Ways to Keep Kids Entertained at Weddings

Posted by Leena Kollar on 10th Aug 2016

Now that I have kids, I have to consider them everywhere I go. If I want to have dinner with my friends, or a date night with my husband, or just run to the grocery store alone, I've always got to figure out whether or not I can take my kids with me. I was recently invited to a wedding where only adults were invited, and I had to decide whether I wanted to arrange childcare and enjoy some "grown ups only" time, or forget going to the wedding at all. My husband and I weren't able to make childcare arrangements, so we won't be attending. But it got me thinking...what if there were ways to keep children busy at weddings? Would their presence be less of an issue? I came across a great article on Buzzfeed, 27 Impossibly Fun Ways to Entertain Kids at Your Wedding that has some great ideas on keeping kids busy so guests can enjoy some adult time. One of my favorite ideas from the list is printing out wedding themed activity books. There is a really great one available for download from Lovely Indeed, and if you have it in your wedding budget, I think this would be so cute to do for the kids! You'd probably have to hire a babysitter to watch over the kiddie table, or you could place one at each child's seat. Either way, I think this would help the kids to stay busy, which means they wouldn't be as disruptive. It's a great way for the kids to feel involved without stealing attention from the special couple on their big day.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think a kids-free wedding is good, or do you like the idea of having kid-friendly activities available?

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