
Turning the Frustrations of Motherhood Into Thanksgiving Blessings

Posted by Leena Kollar on 26th Nov 2014

Sometimes as moms, it becomes easy to complain about the many responsibilities and challenges that come with motherhood. Especially for stay-at-home moms, the constant catering to the needs to everyone else can take its toll on us. But this Thanksgiving, I am going to turn all of my frustrations of motherhood into things that I am thankful for. After all, even with all of its "pull out my hair and poke my eyeballs out" moments, being a mom is the best job, and the biggest blessing there is. So here are 10 of my daily frustrations of motherhood, turned into Thanksgiving blessings.

1. I am thankful for many loads of dirty laundry. It means my family has clothes to wear. 2. I am thankful for dirty dishes in the sink. It means my family has food to fill our bellies with. 3. I am thankful for dirty floors. It means there is a lot of life being lived in my home. 4. I am thankful for sleepless nights. It means I have someone very special to worry about. 5. I am thankful for a child who wants to get into everything. It means he has a lively imagination and a healthy curiosity about the world. 6. I am thankful for a boy who doesn't let me use the bathroom alone. It means I have someone who loves and needs me so much, that he wants to be with me all the time. 7. I am thankful for a husband who comes home too exhausted to take over parenting and household duties. It means I am married to a hard worker who provides for our family. 8. I am thankful for a child who turns and squirms when I try to change him. It means he loves life so much, he doesn't want to waste a single moment. 9. I am thankful for a child who insists on putting his own pants on, even if he gets them backwards, or eventually needs my help. It means he is intelligent and learning to be independent. 10. I am thankful for days when I leave the house in sweatpants, a ponytail and not a drop of makeup on. It means I have a busy, fulfilling life. This Thanksgiving, I challenge all mothers to turn their frustrations of motherhood into things to be thankful for.

What would be on your list of 10?

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