
Including Your Four Legged Friends in Your Wedding

Posted by Leena Kollar on 19th Aug 2015

They make you smile. They make you laugh. One look into their eyes, and you melt. They are the loves of your life, and they complete you. It's no wonder so many couples include them in their wedding ceremonies. Our four legged friends are family. For many couples, they are the only babies they'll ever have. So when that big day comes, there is no question in their mi …

Wedding Waiting Periods

Posted by Leena Kollar on 12th Nov 2014

Have you ever been to a wedding where you had to wait a really long time for the bride & groom to make it to the reception after the ceremony? At most weddings, there is a "waiting period" between the ceremony and the reception, often filled in with a cocktail hour. But sometimes that waiting period is well over an hour, and there is only so much eating and socializing peop …
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