
When Siblings Become Friends

Posted by Leena Kollar on 7th Sep 2016

My two kids are now at ages (15 months & 3 1/2 years) where they can actually play together and it's fun for them. They love their brother/sister baths, and even though they don't always get along, they sure do love each other very much! It puts such a big smile on my face when I see them spending time together, even if it's just to sit next to each other on the couch and w …

Matching Multiples

Posted by Leena Kollar on 7th Oct 2015

Let's talk about multiples. Multiples of children. Whether you have twins or triplets, or just have more than one child, if you have multiples, you have more of everything. More dirty diapers. More food consumed. More crying. More toys. More love. And, you have more clothes. Which begs the question...when dressing your children, do you put them in matching clothes, o …

The Joys of Juggling Children

Posted by Leena Kollar on 15th Jul 2015

Before I became a mother, I was a nanny. There were four children in the family, and needless to say, it was a tough job. When I started with the family, the oldest child was 8, and the youngest was just two months old. I was their caregiver for two challenging (but rewarding) years. At first, I had days where I wondered how I would manage to care for four children. …
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