Dr. Jekyll & Mama Hyde
Posted by Leena Kollar on 8th Jan 2016
My son just went back to school after being on holiday break for two weeks. As much as I loved spending extra time with him, I was a bit relieved when it was time for him to go back. The never-ending energy, the tantrums, the "I want a snack" every five minutes- it was all starting to drive me crazy. Now that he's back in school, I'm somewhat more sane. Even though I still have
Embracing The Toddler Years
Posted by Leena Kollar on 5th Aug 2015
"Put your shoes on."
"Come on. We need to leave. Put on your shoes."
Ah, the joys of having a toddler. Those mini people who love to push our buttons and challenge us to the moon and back. Those sweet little stubborn ones who so often make us want to pull our hair
The Joys of Juggling Children
Posted by Leena Kollar on 15th Jul 2015
Before I became a mother, I was a nanny. There were four children in the family, and needless to say, it was a tough job. When I started with the family, the oldest child was 8, and the youngest was just two months old. I was their caregiver for two challenging (but rewarding) years.
At first, I had days where I wondered how I would manage to care for four children.
Going Into “Wonder Woman” Mode
Posted by Leena Kollar on 24th Jun 2015
Two weeks ago, I gave birth to my second child. At home. In my bed. That was not the plan.
I had a precipitous labor that led me to have a painful and frightening home birth, which the local fire department helped with. They made it to my home just in time to help me deliver my baby. Once I realized exactly what was happening- that I was delivering this baby he
“Mom-solutions” for the New Year
Posted by Leena Kollar on 14th Jan 2015
It's already been 2015 for more than a week, but it's never too late to start working on those new year's resolutions. I actually don't make them because I believe we should be on a daily journey of betterment, striving for greatness all the time. However, I will say that as a mom, there are some new year's "mom-solutions" I'd like to try and work on. It's tough to stay positiv