Finding Joy in Every Inch of You, My Child
Posted by Leena Kollar on 27th May 2015
For Mother's Day this year, my son brought home the cutest piece of artwork from his school. It was splatters of colors painted on a miniature piece of canvas, with a black cutout of his face, in silhouette form. It was the sweetest gift, and made me teary eyed. It was such a true representation of his profile- his long eyelashes, his cute little turned up nose and his chubby m
Being Somebody’s Mommy
Posted by Leena Kollar on 6th May 2015
Do you remember the first time your child(ren) called you "mommy?" I can't recall the exact moment my son did, but he is now a "mama" speaking machine. And hearing him address me with the name never gets old. (Ok, maybe it does when he says it over and over and over again in a needy, whiny voice.) But even then, hearing that sweet boy call me "mama" is one of the sweetest sound
“Mom-solutions” for the New Year
Posted by Leena Kollar on 14th Jan 2015
It's already been 2015 for more than a week, but it's never too late to start working on those new year's resolutions. I actually don't make them because I believe we should be on a daily journey of betterment, striving for greatness all the time. However, I will say that as a mom, there are some new year's "mom-solutions" I'd like to try and work on. It's tough to stay positiv
Turning the Frustrations of Motherhood Into Thanksgiving Blessings
Posted by Leena Kollar on 26th Nov 2014
Sometimes as moms, it becomes easy to complain about the many responsibilities and challenges that come with motherhood. Especially for stay-at-home moms, the constant catering to the needs to everyone else can take its toll on us. But this Thanksgiving, I am going to turn all of my frustrations of motherhood into things that I am thankful for. After all, even with all of its "
From “One and Only” to “Double Trouble”
Posted by Leena Kollar on 5th Nov 2014
I am hoping that I can get through this post without having to make a run to the bathroom. Why? Because I just found out that I am expecting my 2nd child, and I have been quite the queasy mama these last couple of weeks. I had a much more "active" stomach with my first pregnancy, but this one is more of a tease. I can't decide which is worse!
But the thin