


Dr. Jekyll & Mama Hyde

Posted by Leena Kollar on 8th Jan 2016

My son just went back to school after being on holiday break for two weeks. As much as I loved spending extra time with him, I was a bit relieved when it was time for him to go back. The never-ending energy, the tantrums, the "I want a snack" every five minutes- it was all starting to drive me crazy. Now that he's back in school, I'm somewhat more sane. Even though I still have …

Memories and Messes

Posted by Leena Kollar on 14th May 2014

A couple of years ago, before I become a mother, I saw this photo (and many variations of it) on Pinterest: photo, And I thought to myself, "Um, NO. When I have kids, the house will be clean. They will NOT play in filth and when they are old enough, they will clean up after themselves!" Fast forward to last week, when I captured …
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