


Enjoying The Calm Within The Storm

Posted by Leena Kollar on 30th Nov 2016

This morning, my baby girl and I were lying in bed after she nursed, and it was pure bliss. I was lying on my back, and she on hers, as she rested her little head on my arm. There were raindrops softly dripping from the roof outside, and all I could hear besides the rain were the soft breaths she was breathing. I lightly combed the hair on her head with my fingertips and just e …

“No More Hugs And No More Kisses”

Posted by Leena Kollar on 28th Sep 2016

My son has been a mama's boy since the day he was born. My little guy and I share a special bond that I hope lasts forever.  When I tuck him into bed at night, I always tell him that I love him, we say prayers, and I give him a kiss and a hug. But lately, he's been breaking my heart. I've not been able to complete our nightly ritual, because when I bend down to offer my love, m …

Why I’ll Always Hold His Hand

Posted by Leena Kollar on 17th Aug 2016

Since the day he was born, my son has had my heart. He's a mama's boy for sure, and I wouldn't have it any other way! He's nearly 3 1/2 years old now (where has the time gone???) and still asks me to carry him sometimes. But because he's so big (and I'm so not that strong), I usually tell him that I can't hold him. It breaks my heart. It really does, because I love holding my b …

“Why? Why? Why?”

Posted by Leena Kollar on 2nd Mar 2016

My little guy turns 3 in just a couple weeks, and we're currently in the "Why? Why? Why?" phase of toddlerhood. No matter what it is, he has to ask "Why?" And sometimes I get so tired of being a broken record, that my answer is simply, "Because I said so." I love that he's so inquisitive. After all, he has to learn about the world somehow, and who better to teach him than me? B …

The Ways Motherhood Changes After Baby #2

Posted by Leena Kollar on 3rd Feb 2016

I love both of my children equally. I love them in different ways, but in equal amounts. However, one thing I've noticed since having baby #2 is the way my parenting has changed. It's become much more laid back, and I find that I don't worry as much about the stuff I did when I first became a mom. It's an approach to motherhood that I've seen other moms share on social media, a …
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