
Keeping Your Wedding Day Memories Alive

Posted by Leena Kollar on 28th Jan 2015

If you've ever planned a wedding, you know that it requires a lot of planning. Months and months of figuring out details, all to be swiftly celebrated on one special day. It goes by so fast, and sometimes as the bride, memories of the day are so easily forgotten. Luckily, you can hold on to some of your wedding day memories with the photographs that your photographer snaps for …

Memories and Messes

Posted by Leena Kollar on 14th May 2014

A couple of years ago, before I become a mother, I saw this photo (and many variations of it) on Pinterest: photo, And I thought to myself, "Um, NO. When I have kids, the house will be clean. They will NOT play in filth and when they are old enough, they will clean up after themselves!" Fast forward to last week, when I captured …
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