


Life’s Little Lessons Found in Getting Dressed

Posted by Leena Kollar on 27th Aug 2014

I love how children are so curious about the world around them. How they try so hard to mimic their parents, caregivers and siblings. Lately, my little guy has been pulling clothes from his hamper and trying to put them on. He also loves to pull clothes out of my dresser. He has managed to figure out how to put my tank tops over his head and drape them like a scarf, which is ad …

Clinging to Love

Posted by Leena Kollar on 4th Jun 2014

Lately, my son has been very clingy. If I am not holding him, playing with him or watching him learn new things, he makes his way over to me and grabs on at the most convenient place on my body. Don't get me wrong, I love my little guy so, so much and I love that he needs me. But sometimes I feel smothered and I want to say to him, "mommy just needs a few minutes of alone time. …
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