
Two Minutes of “Mommy Time”

Posted by Leena Kollar on 13th Aug 2014

My son is at that stage. At least, I hope it's just a stage. That stage where he needs me. Every. Second. Of. The. Day. He can't even talk yet but his gestures and his sweet facial expressions tell me when he feels sad, or scared or lonely. I finally understand all of those mothers who talk about the joy of using the bathroom by themselves. I get it. I totally get it! …

Lions & Tigers & Bears

Posted by Leena Kollar on 16th Jul 2014

One of my favorite things to do lately is ask my son about animals. His room has an animal theme, and we have been reading books about animals for several months. He is finally at a place where he is starting to connect the dots and correlate the different animals to their sounds. My favorite of his impressions is the elephant. He sticks his arm out for the trunk (just like I t …

A Family Legacy

Posted by Leena Kollar on 25th Jun 2014

I just spent the last several days at the lake with my entire extended family for a reunion. We were celebrating my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary. I hadn't seen some of my family members since my wedding 4 years ago. Some, even longer. So getting to spend time and make memories with my loved ones was really special. I saw my little guy bond with some of the …

Dandelion Dreaming

Posted by Leena Kollar on 30th Apr 2014

Lately, my son and I have been playing outside a lot. The sun has been shining, the grass has been fresh and the weather has been warm. My son is at a stage where his curiosity reigns. Besides playing with (and trying to eat) the leaves that he finds in the grass, he loves grabbing dandelions and watching the hairy pieces disintegrate in his little hands. I have shown him what …

Thanksgiving Feast

Posted by Kallan on 1st Jan 2014

I can’t believe Thanksgiving came and went so quickly this year! It’s that one special day when we would loosen up our belts by a notch or two and sink our teeth into dishes that are typically eaten for the holiday. The food is undeniably mouthwatering, but it’s the company we share our special day with that makes the meal memorable. This year my in-laws and I did …
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