
“Why? Why? Why?”

Posted by Leena Kollar on 2nd Mar 2016

My little guy turns 3 in just a couple weeks, and we're currently in the "Why? Why? Why?" phase of toddlerhood. No matter what it is, he has to ask "Why?" And sometimes I get so tired of being a broken record, that my answer is simply, "Because I said so." I love that he's so inquisitive. After all, he has to learn about the world somehow, and who better to teach him than me? B …

“I’m Just Loving You”

Posted by Leena Kollar on 16th Sep 2015

When I still lived at home, my parents, siblings and I often spent time together. Whether it was watching television, eating dinner, or just sitting around laughing at ourselves, we valued family time. And during that family time, my dad used to do something that I found a bit strange. I would sometimes see him out of the corner of my eye, just sitting there, looking at me. And …
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