Life’s Little Lessons Found in Getting Dressed
Posted by Leena Kollar on 27th Aug 2014
I love how children are so curious about the world around them. How they try so hard to mimic their parents, caregivers and siblings. Lately, my little guy has been pulling clothes from his hamper and trying to put them on. He also loves to pull clothes out of my dresser. He has managed to figure out how to put my tank tops over his head and drape them like a scarf, which is ad
Two Minutes of “Mommy Time”
Posted by Leena Kollar on 13th Aug 2014
My son is at that stage. At least, I hope it's just a stage. That stage where he needs me. Every. Second. Of. The. Day. He can't even talk yet but his gestures and his sweet facial expressions tell me when he feels sad, or scared or lonely. I finally understand all of those mothers who talk about the joy of using the bathroom by themselves. I get it. I totally get it!
Memories and Messes
Posted by Leena Kollar on 14th May 2014
A couple of years ago, before I become a mother, I saw this photo (and many variations of it) on Pinterest:
And I thought to myself, "Um, NO. When I have kids, the house will be clean. They will NOT play in filth and when they are old enough, they will clean up after themselves!"
Fast forward to last week, when I captured
Dandelion Dreaming
Posted by Leena Kollar on 30th Apr 2014
Lately, my son and I have been playing outside a lot. The sun has been shining, the grass has been fresh and the weather has been warm. My son is at a stage where his curiosity reigns. Besides playing with (and trying to eat) the leaves that he finds in the grass, he loves grabbing dandelions and watching the hairy pieces disintegrate in his little hands. I have shown him what