
Enjoying The Calm Within The Storm

Posted by Leena Kollar on 30th Nov 2016

This morning, my baby girl and I were lying in bed after she nursed, and it was pure bliss. I was lying on my back, and she on hers, as she rested her little head on my arm. There were raindrops softly dripping from the roof outside, and all I could hear besides the rain were the soft breaths she was breathing. I lightly combed the hair on her head with my fingertips and just e …

Why I’ll Always Hold His Hand

Posted by Leena Kollar on 17th Aug 2016

Since the day he was born, my son has had my heart. He's a mama's boy for sure, and I wouldn't have it any other way! He's nearly 3 1/2 years old now (where has the time gone???) and still asks me to carry him sometimes. But because he's so big (and I'm so not that strong), I usually tell him that I can't hold him. It breaks my heart. It really does, because I love holding my b …

Baby, I Still Need You to Need Me

Posted by Leena Kollar on 20th Apr 2016

About six months ago, we made our first attempts at potty training my son. It didn't go very well, so we took a break from trying. And now, he's officially potty trained. This childhood rite of passage is bittersweet. While I'm very excited to have a little guy out of diapers, I'm also sad because it means he's definitely not a baby anymore. But what's even harder to accept is …

My Big Little Boy

Posted by Leena Kollar on 30th Mar 2016

No matter how old he gets, my son will always be my baby. My little boy. Even when he's all grown up. But recently, it's like this strange thing happened to him. He just turned three, but he's like a miniature man. It's like he's three going on thirty. He is my "big little boy." Even though he's still a toddler, he's reached this point where he's so mature. He can ca …

The Ways Motherhood Changes After Baby #2

Posted by Leena Kollar on 3rd Feb 2016

I love both of my children equally. I love them in different ways, but in equal amounts. However, one thing I've noticed since having baby #2 is the way my parenting has changed. It's become much more laid back, and I find that I don't worry as much about the stuff I did when I first became a mom. It's an approach to motherhood that I've seen other moms share on social media, a …
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