
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Posted by Leena Kollar on 22nd Apr 2015

I don't know about you, but I love to sleep. Whenever I am able to squeeze in a nap during the day, I do it. There is something about closing my eyes, even for just a few minutes, that recharges me and helps me get through the day. My little guy, however, doesn't always agree with me on that. Some days, he falls asleep on his own and takes a great nap. Other days, it's a struggle to get him down. For some parents, nap time is a challenge, and for others, bedtime is. One of the ways to get your kids more excited about sleep is to get them pajamas that they love to wear. And a great bedtime story is icing on the cake. So whether your kids fight napping during the day or sleeping at night, here are two sleepwear products from Pink Princess that will motivate your kids to catch some zzz's.

 Your little princess will love her Cinderella pink pajama set with Cinderella book. She'll be pretty in pink and ready to doze off once she's had her princess fill.

Your dinosaur lovin' boy will look forward to bedtime knowing he can wear his cool dinosaur pajamas and read his favorite dinosaur book.

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