
Matching Multiples

Posted by Leena Kollar on 7th Oct 2015

Let's talk about multiples. Multiples of children. Whether you have twins or triplets, or just have more than one child, if you have multiples, you have more of everything. More dirty diapers. More food consumed. More crying. More toys. More love. And, you have more clothes. Which begs the question...when dressing your children, do you put them in matching clothes, or two completely different outfits?

  I have never liked the idea of dressing my children in the same clothes. I suppose I feel like it takes away from their individuality. However, there are some days when I find that I am coincidentally wearing something similar to my children, and it makes me happy. And when my children happen to be wearing something that isn't exactly the same, but looks like it is supposed to go together, it does look cute. So I many of you parents intentionally dress your kids the same? Is it because they are twins? Or just because you think it's cute? Do you match siblings of opposite genders, or only those that are the same? For now, I'll keep dressing my children in clothes that I feel best represents them separately. However, on those days when "accidental" matching occurs, I won't get upset. And maybe one of these days, I'll be convinced to dress my children alike on purpose.

What are your thoughts on dressing your kids alike?

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