
Life’s Little Lessons Found in Getting Dressed

Posted by Leena Kollar on 27th Aug 2014

I love how children are so curious about the world around them. How they try so hard to mimic their parents, caregivers and siblings. Lately, my little guy has been pulling clothes from his hamper and trying to put them on. He also loves to pull clothes out of my dresser. He has managed to figure out how to put my tank tops over his head and drape them like a scarf, which is adorable, but he has yet to master getting his shirts over his head. Most parents will experience this sometime in their life- an insistent child who wants to dress themselves, no matter how awful the ensemble might look. But I think it is so important to let our children take on that responsibility. It is all part of learning how this big, bad world works. Giving them a bit of freedom will not only help instill independence and responsibility, it will help foster a sense of self esteem. They will learn that when they are themselves, when they dress in a way that is self expressive, they should feel confident.

My little guy is too young to take on the whole "dressing himself" task (he's sure trying!), but once he has it figured out, I know I will struggle with whether or not to help him, or let him work it out all on his own. Either way, I think a couple of life's lessons can be learned from this whole "getting dressed" experience.
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