
Keeping Your Wedding Day Memories Alive

Posted by Leena Kollar on 28th Jan 2015

If you've ever planned a wedding, you know that it requires a lot of planning. Months and months of figuring out details, all to be swiftly celebrated on one special day. It goes by so fast, and sometimes as the bride, memories of the day are so easily forgotten. Luckily, you can hold on to some of your wedding day memories with the photographs that your photographer snaps for you, or the video that your videographer makes. But a better way to truly capture the essence and memory of the day is to hold on to physical details. Even if they end up in a box in the attic, knowing you can go back to that day anytime is a nice thought. So what are some of these physical details that you can store? Here are a few worth keeping.

 The Shoes

Most brides do keep their wedding shoes after the wedding. And even if you don't wear them again, it is nice to have them to look at. They are, after all, what you were wearing when you walked down to the person you chose to spend forever with. They are the last pair of shoes you wore as a single woman, and the first pair you wore as a married woman. Definitely significant, and definitely worth holding on to.

The Bouquet

Even though you will have photographs of your wedding bouquet, keeping the actual bouquet is a better way to remember the day. And many brides choose to create DIY style projects from their bouquets, like a shadowbox display of it, or some other type of crafty display. Having a way to see it every day would definitely keep your wedding day memories alive!

The Decor

Every couple is different in terms of how they choose to decorate for their wedding, and whether or not they want to use the decor again. Centerpieces in particular are sometimes given to guests if they couple doesn't want them. But if you have a centerpiece that was handmade, or is small enough to keep, or if you have extra wedding favors, keep one for yourself. Throw it in the box with your other wedding stuff so you can remember what style you chose for your wedding. Someday you might look through that box of wedding stuff and chuckle, because you can't believe that is the way you wanted your big day to look. Even things like a Unity candle are worth keeping. Anything that brings you back to that special day. I don't encourage hoarding. However, I do encourage keeping things from your wedding day that you can go to later to reminisce. What is the most special thing from your wedding day that you held on to?
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