
Honeymoon Fundraising at the Reception Table

Posted by Leena Kollar on 17th Jun 2015

Weddings are expensive. Even the smallest, most intimate ceremonies can cost more than anticipated, leaving budget-minded brides questioning their own financial diligence. Sometimes the family follows tradition and the bride's family covers the cost of the wedding. Other times, the couple themselves pay for everything. Either way, unless you have a quick ceremony down at City Hall, you're bound to fork out some dough to create a memorable wedding day. So when it comes to thinking about a honeymoon, many couples try to find "out of the box" ways to cover honeymoon expenses. Some set up an online honeymoon account, where guests can contribute. Others do a "dollar dance" at the wedding to help raise some extra cash. Then of course, there is this idea: Put a jar on each table at your wedding reception, labeled "honeymoon fund" and allow guests to contribute as much or as little as they like. It's a no pressure way to ask for their help with covering the costs of your honeymoon. Even if each guest only puts a dollar in the jar, you could make some decent honeymoon money. It might not cover the cost of your airfare if you're flying to your destination, but you might raise enough to cover the cost of leisure activities for your new spouse and yourself. I think this is a great idea, and wish I had done it at my wedding!

What do you think of this honeymoon fundraising idea?

What other creative ways have you seen people raise funding for their honeymoon?

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