
Embracing The Toddler Years

Posted by Leena Kollar on 5th Aug 2015

"Put your shoes on." "No." "Come on. We need to leave. Put on your shoes." "No!" "PUT YOUR SHOES ON NOW." "Nooooo!!!" Ah, the joys of having a toddler. Those mini people who love to push our buttons and challenge us to the moon and back. Those sweet little stubborn ones who so often make us want to pull our hair out. We love them. They are our everything. But sometimes we want to scream at their antics. Why don't you listen to me? Why won't you go to sleep? Why must I tell you something fifty times before you do it?
Well, because that's how toddlers are! And the toddler years are some of the most difficult years in parenting. Next to teenagers, toddlers are probably the most challenging age group when it comes to raising kids. And while we try so hard to appreciate our children at every age, the toddler years can be trying for parents. Our patience, our energy and our overall well-being are put to the test with toddlers. But the thing is, someday we'll look back and really miss those "I need a drink" days. Hard to believe, huh? But yes, it's true. I came across an article, 8 Reasons I Miss Having a Toddler, which points out some of the things to appreciate about the toddler years. With my son quickly transitioning out of those years, I couldn't help but get emotional reading it. All of the points mentioned really hit home for me. I realized that even on those days when there are tantrums and potty accidents and crying fits and misbehaving children, I still have so much to be thankful for. We must cherish every moment with our children- even the moments that make us want to give ourselves a time out.
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