
Always Be My Baby

Posted by Leena Kollar on 18th Mar 2014

My son just turned one. I seriously cannot believe it. Wasn't it just yesterday that I looked at that white stick and saw the word yes light up in blue? Last year at this time, my water had broken and I was giving birth to this boy, my first child. The love of my life. The little boy who makes me smile every day and then some. Now I wait anxiously for the day he mutters that wonderful word, "mama" for the first time.

Time goes by way too fast. I can't help but look into my baby's bright blue eyes and think about the day when he leaves for preschool, and then high school, and then college, and moves out for good. I don't want to think about those things. But the truth is, my little boy is becoming a little man more and more each day. Even still, with every ounce of my being, he will always be my baby. When he is pushing me away as I hug him goodbye while dropping him off at school. When he rolls his eyes as I say "I love you" and ask for a kiss in front of his macho friends. When I tell him to call me when he arrives safely at a destination. No matter what, my son will always be my baby. Thinking about my sweet boy makes me think about the Colour a Cape Super Hero Reversible Set from Pink Princess. I picture him in a few years, wearing it and running around, pretending he is flying, pretending he is saving the world. When that day comes, I will be sure to encourage him to use his imagination and dream big dreams. When that day comes, I will think back to today, and how he was on the verge of learning to walk, babbling up a storm and making the cutest facial expressions. When that day comes, I will play the damsel in distress, so that he can be my super hero (even though he already is- cape or not) and rescue me.
When that day comes, I will let him know that he will always be my baby.
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